Thursday, June 3, 2010

Drink while eating

Ha hari ni topik ilmiah sikit. Minum semasa makan. Eh translate tajuk entry je tu, macam la korang tak paham hehe.

From child, mama selalu pesan to eat my food first then only drink. If I drink and eat at the same time, akan kenyang cepat and then not want the rest of my food. My mum said she would rather see we leave the drink unfinished than leave food unfinished. Tak elok tinggal makanan tak habis. Tu perangai aku la tu, suka letak banyak2 tapi tak habis.

Orang kata kata kalau nak awet muda kena minum selepas makan.

However, I did not tak carry out this good habit with me although it makes sense. I drink before and during eating. Suka hati mak bapak aku je kan. Sebabnya aku suka makan pedas, tapi tak tahan pedas. Err paham tak? Lagipun time2 tengah panas ni aku cepat haus.

I end up thirsty because I don't end my meal by having a drink. My mum drinks after she eats and is not thirsty at the end. I kalau tunggu sampai habis baru nak minum, mau tersedu sedan or so dry I almost tercekik (alasan). Maybe in my case usually the food happens to get stuck up in my throat by mistake and I start coughing that I need to drink cepat2 and the food is too spicy and my tongue starts burning. (alasan lagi).

Excuse la muka selenge ni, mmg malas bertouch-up2 sebab tak tahan bau cream n makeup. Boleh gitu?

Apa2 pun, I read somewhere that drinking while eating it is good for digestion, and fills you up so that you don't overeat. Mana tah article tu dah tak jumpa. Biasa la, article yang menyebelahi aku sure tiba2 hilang tak dapat dijumpai. Pelik.

So siapa lagi selain aku yang buruk perangai makan dan minum serentak?

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