Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My new entries are not showing up for about 24 hours (or more) in the blogroll why oh why?

Eh terpanjang pulak tajuk. Saya ada 2 soalan yang membelenggu:
  • My updated entry blogs tidak diupdate on others peoples blogrolls la. Ok la masalah kecik je kot. But has anyone experienced this?
  • Tengah tengok tophost ni. Eh Ally Iskandar ni mana2 ada muka dia eh? Banyak2 program pencarian pengacara ni takkan balik2 muka sama je kuar tv? JomHeboh, MHI, Mentor, TopHost, Juara Lagu, etc. Silap2 lepas ni jadi DJ HotFM pulak. Hari tu tengok dia nyanyi kat JomHeboh, I was like, apakahh?? I have nothing against him (except that he's short, opss) but pls la, give him a break?
We were from the same school in PJ previously. Ye dan2 nak ngaku skrg padahal he's my senior, sama batch with my brother. Sah2 dia tak kenal aku sebab gila comot masa tu.

Ok la I think it's me who need the break. Nite :)

p/s hopefully entry ni will appear on other people blogrolls. AMINNNNNNN.

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