Friday, July 3, 2009

Weekend project : Bake a cake!

I recently realized that I tend to only bake/make cakes when there's a special occasion to be celebrated i.e Hari Raya or ikut suka mood je. Kalau tunggu Raya, takkan bake setahun sekali je. Kalaulah ada Job Performance Appraisal atau SKT, mmg tak mencapai target langsung ni.

So SIL no. 2 and I thought it would be fun this weekend and bake ourselves a cake - for no particular reason at all. Buat dengan ikhlas tanpa paksaan maka kek jadi berambah sedap la kan :)

Oh time I buat chocolate takde siapa snap pic :( Tapi time menolong SIL buat Tiramisu dan2 ramai nak snap pic :P

Ni la choc cakenya. Serious sedap :) Kukus tau bukan bake. Sangat moist. I just like the idea of just baking a cake for fun. I choose to bake this cake sebab senang je cara nya. There's no pressure to make it perfect, no special requests for flavors or icing (ni belum expert ni). Best2.

Saje crop muka supaya korang focus kat cake hahaha. Padahallll?

Ok la meh kasi tau bahan2nya. Got it from a friend. Sharing is caring.

  • 1 cawan gula perang
    1 cawan susu segar perisa coklat
    1 cawan minyak
    1/2 cawan susu pekat manis
    3/4 cawan serbuk koko
  • 3 biji telur
    1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp soda bikarbonat

    3 biji telur

Sekian :)

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