Monday, May 18, 2009


Sudah sudah, AF dah habis. Tahniah Aril. Sekarang masa untuk cerita tentang diri sendri je.

I am naturally born with straight hair, although I like the hairstyle very much, but sometimes it just too boring to have the same hairstyle for like my entire life. I have been keeping a long hair since I am 23 years old. Masa kecik punya hairtstyle, standard la pendek atas bahu and ada fringe paras kening. Nak happening skit, rambut fesyen tempurung la. Sumpah aku takkan buat dah fesyen camni.

Anyway, I am very happy I finally could make my own decision (buat dulu baru tunjuk kat parents) on how to do with my hair at the age of 18. I had coloured my hair 3 times with 3 different colour tapi kaler seakan2 sama je, aku pun tak ingat dah kaler apa, tapi serious weh ada sekali masa aku pergi visit abang aku kat US, orang sana ingat aku mexican. Kata aku mexican tu tak berapa sedap sangat la sebab mexican yang bekerja di US tu biasa kerja as a maid, cleaner etc kan tapi takpe aku anggap aku mexican high class la yang lahir di US. Tetiba feeling ala2 Jennifer Lopez ok masa tu.

Oi perasan! *tampar diri sendri*

Actually sebab apa tau, kulit agak tan masa tu, rambut karat tapi takde la karat sangat. Dah dah zaman tu dah berlalu. Mati aku kena sembelih kaler rambut lagi.

I also permed my hair before, konon2 nak buat fesyen baru selepas kahwin, tapi fesyen ni sungguh hazab untuk aku kerana tiada kerajinan untuk bangun extra 30 min awal untuk style kan rambut itu. Ingat aku takde kerja lain ke? Fesyen ni hanya bertahan 3 minggu je. I'm keeping my hair straight sahaja sampai skarang. Senang citer. Guna jari pun boleh.

I always know that I need to try something new. Many people have told me that a shorter cut would fit me well and I believe them. So just now I went to the saloon that I normally go, konon2 nak buat something new but ended asking them to trim my hair. Trim 3 inches je plak tu. Sungguh pengecut. Of course, it looks EXACTLY THE SAME as it always has.

Well, I’ve always been a little afraid of change, particularly with regards to my hair, so it might take a while before I dare chop it short. This is probably because I’m always a fan of people chopping their hair (unless they’re seriously not the kind who can wear short hair) because it’s fast, easy, and always makes you appear like you have a little style, but, NOT FOR ME. No style pun no style lah.

So any chances to change hairstyle without perm, colour and cutting it short?

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