Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary :)

Our wedding was 4 years ago. The celebration continues to this day :) Happy Anniversary dear hubby!

slimnya tangan i dulu!

I agree is not how much money you spend during your anniversary that make you happy. It is the presence of your love ones.

Tapi husband i takde *nanges*

Heheh well my husband tak ada di bumi Malaysia sekarang, sedang bekerja mencari rezeki dan akan balik dalam 2 minggu lagi. Tak kisah la. Asalkan wish cukup memadai (hadiah kemudian hahah kalau nak bagi la).

Gurau2. Happy anniversary abang, sayannnng dia :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mari pakai face mask.

Siapa sini pakai face mask angkat tangan!

Meh sini akak nak ajar adik2 khasiat2 pakai mask ni. Well, depending on what mask u use will determine the benfits. There are some masks just for hydrating, ada yang untuk mencerahkan kulit dan mencerahkan tompok2 di muka. Some are for acne , while others are for firming.

Actually tgh blogging sambil pakai mask ni. Mask ni yang sedang dipakai ni not bad la, mask biasa je depan dia gambar oren, beli online. Kalau kulit terasa kusam je and tak bermaya, maka lepas pakai saya rasa muka terus jadi bersih dan segar je.

Eye mask pulak? Hmm I have bad circles under my eyes tapi kurang gemar letak facial stuff bagai on it because it makes me itch. Serious shit. Lepas pakai mask or letak eye cream sure rasa nak garu je and making it worse. So gua jarang la pakai eyecare ni kecuali eye mask. Tu pun sebulan sekali kot.

Meh nak review skit pasal mask ni:

Does it moisturize? A little tapi cukup la tu. Kang terlampau moist lain plak masalah.

Does it fits the face? Not at all. Too big for my face ke muka aku kecik?

Does it brightens/ whitens the face? Yes! I loikeee. But only for one day. Lepas tu back to normal :( Dah kulit coklat tu coklat la heheh.

I know I'm not good at reviewing things. Ok la sekian terima kasih.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fly me to Polaris

Wah tajuk. Dulu masa tengok cerita ni, mati2 aku ingat Polaris tu kat Poland. Lemah tul ilmu Sains masa tu (skrg pun). In case you are wondering, Fly me to Polaris is a chinese love story yesterday lakonan Cecilia Cheung an Richie Ren. Berkurun dah cerita ni, tahun 1999. Pelakon pun dah kertu.

Actually tu aku bercadang nak buat tajuk Fly me to London. Mati la kena cop berlagak nanti hehehe. Saje je buat mukadimah panjang lebar. Well my latop needs a rest so am using my sister's laptop sambil menggodek2 (hishhh) and I found this pic.

Terus jadi rinduuuuuu. That was during my trip to UK December 2007 eh? Fly me to anywhere pls. I need a vacation.

Apa ingat orang stress kerja je perlu cuti ke?

Monday, January 11, 2010

My mum has finally redeem a periuk di Giant that she likes

Ada sesiapa collect stamp dari Giant tak? For every purchase of RM20, you are entitled to get a stamp. Kumpul la sampai 70-260 stamps for certain period pastu boleh beli certain Italian cookware pada harga berpatutan.

Ni semua adalah marketing strategy to make people spend in Giant instead of Mydin/Tesco/Giant/Carefour. Sesiapa yang buat bisness tu, learn this tactics! Customer always love free gifts.

Walaupun orang selalu kata harga kat Giant mahal skit berbanding tesco, tapi sebab dah biasa shopping di Giant sejak kecik and nak periuk tu punya pasal, ABAIKAN la harga sedikit mahal tu ehehehe.

Mama dapat kumpul 200++ stamps (less than 240 stamps) so dia berjaya redeem 24 cm Casserole 2 liter, dan beli dengan harga RM9.90. Harga asal adalah RM250. So berbaloi la kan? Ni semua hasil penat lelah mama berbelanja sakan di Giant plus mencollect stamps dari anak2 nya shopping di Giant especially my 2 abangs yang nak beli pampers and susu2 untuk anak2 dorang.

Aku ada jugak collect stamps dari Guardian, tapi hilang ke mana tah 10 stamps. Rugi je, tapi tak berapa kisah la cozI know it's some marketing tactics; the amount of revenue they can generate out of this IS SHOCKING k and you'd be amazed by how much the redeemed gift will only cost. Benda cinonet tu murah je kan.

So untuk Guardian punya stamps, tak berbaloi langsung. Di Giant, worth it!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Pernah dengar brand Cotton-On tak? My sister has one cardigan which she bought in Australia 2 years ago. That was the 1st time I ever heard of this brand. An Aussie brand, Cotton On is cheaper in Malaysia than in Aussie simply because they charge the same price because due to the strong aussie dollar; that's what I thought.

Pic below taken from here
And I knew that Cotton On has opened in OU and Pavillion for a while, but I ’ve never really got the chance to check out the stuff, until yesterday. They have a lot of t-shirts, leggings, cardigans, tank tops and tunics and they really do have some really great stuff. Tapi pergi time sale + long weekend ni mmg sesak la skit.

I bought 2 plain t-shirts yang kaler lebih kurang sama; RM19 each bersize S

Also I bought ballet flats that sell 2 for RM 60. Pening ok when it comes to making choices to so many colors and only get to pick 2 just because I want to make it RM 60, otherwise it wuld be RM39 per pair.

Btw I’m never a fan of flats, because they make feel clumsy. But sometimes, there are times in your life when you need one dihari2 kecemasan. These flats are so light and flexible, you can fold them and chunk them into a nice pouch.

This is my favourite shoe; macam makcik2 ke? Tu yang nak tukar imej skit pakai flat.
Overall, think the more affordable version of TOPSHOP/TOPMAN. Therefore i say this shop is worth making a trip down!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mari berenang

Ni last weekend punya aktiviti : berenang2 di porch kereta (bukan kitorang, budak2 kecik ni je). My brother bought this mini baby swimming pool at Toys R Us made of pvc that can be used as bathup or play pool. This pool is big enough for another baby (left) to accompany baby inside the pool.We first dipped Kaleela into the play pool she looked a little surprised; sejuk kot. But she did not cry of course. Slowly she started to enjoy herself in the water. Kemudian join plak cousinnya ke dalam kolam itu.

Yang mandi 2 orang, tukang sorak ada 6 orang.

Kejap je dalam 30 seconds, both kids happily playing, singing and smiling and giggling. Oh jagan terpedaya dengan pic di atas, muka dorang mmg serious masa bergambar. Belakang camera baru tunjuk tru colour. Seeing them enjoy so much in the water, it makes us feel so happy and satisfied terutama si bapaknya yang beli mini pool ni la hehhe. Yang problem skit time nak tarik dorang keluar la. Menangis tamau keluar.

Sekian. Si bapak budak, pasni beli la kolam besar skit. Leh ramai2 join.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010


Hello. 1st entry for this year, harapnya terus berkekalan rajin berblogging la untuk tahun ni. Can't wait for 2010 to start, eh dah start pun. I've been doing not-so-good these last few months tapi aku percaya ada hikmah disebalik apa2 kejadian baik/buruk yang berlaku kat kita :) Of course there's up and down.

Aktiviti malam new year

Sejak zaman anak dara lagi aku memang bukan jenis keluar2 celebrate merdeka or new year2 ni. Erkk rasanya sekali je aku kuar malam merdeka ngan new year. Lepas tu tobat takgi dah sebab tak tahan bersesak2. Tgk konsert depan tv lagi best.

Lepas kawin? There's no need to plan an expensive night to have fun and memorable New Year eve, duk umah sambil mengimbau kenangan zaman2 dating and awal2 kawin pun cukup pe. Eh tu untuk annivesary.

Tapi pehal lak nak celebrate2 new year ni?? Ini adalah permulaan tahun masihi. Kita kan ada tahun Hijrah?

Belated New year (Tahun Hijrah) wish

Setiap orang mempunyai azam/resolution masing2, begitu juga dengan aku. (cliche nya intro, apa nak buat dah kehabisan modal). I will not call this a resolution. If I do, it will not happen. So berikut adalah harapan yang telah brought forward dari last year hehehe.

to NOT spent more than I earns (afford) melainkan benar2 terdesak seperti treatment cost, payment to contractor and etc.

NEVER to voice out/email/sms/blog when I am really really mad unless I have no choice.

AVOID using credit card. If don't have the cash, don't buy it. Using maybank debit card adalah dibenarkan.

NEVER going to straighten my hair ever again sebab rambut dah sediakala straight and I wish I could change my hairstyle. Hair colouring juga dibenarkan sebab nak tukar imej. (abis la kena pelangkung dengan laki aku)

To cook more often for my husband

To bake more and more

To have baby :)

Ada banyak lagi sebenarya but I need to be realistic. Ni pun for sure ada leh capai ada yang tak. Kalau tak, kita carry forward tahun depan pulak hehe. Doakan most of them tercapai ye terutama yang last point tu. Aminnnn.


Tahun baru Islam dan Tahun baru 2010 jatuh pada hari jumaat, panjatkanlah doa ke hadrat Ilahi moga hidup kita sekalian umat diberkati dan dirahmati.

Sekian, wassalam.