Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Quick update

Assalamualaikum wbt. Sorry for the lack of update. Tetiba mood mengupdate sangat malas. Just a quick update:
  • My husband came back from Saudi on Sunday. Cuti sebulan lebih. Ok sila cadangkan mana kitorang nak gi cuti2 Malaysia. KK perhaps?

  • Happy belated birthday to my husband yg ke dot dot dot. Tetiba dia tak bagi umurnya disiarkan ;) Seperti tahun2 lepas, hadiah saya kepadanya adalah WALLET :) dah itu yg dia nakkkkk. Hahahah.

  • Sebagai balasan, saya dapat la barang2 MAC ni, powder brush dan mineral SPF15 loose powder. Eh I kasi gift tak mengharapkan balasan ok.

Tu je la kot updatenya. Rasa macam banyak je nak update tadi.

Oh hari tu kereta kami terkena tompok putih hasil dari kebocoran kat porch. Bertopok ok sambil aku pun tak sampai hati nak snap pic koonnya sebagai bahan bukti. Dah la baru cat kereta itu. So monday is car wash day. We took the car to my favorite car wash at Caltex KJ for some squeaky clean time. Nasib baik hilang tompok putih itu. Kalau tak meraung la gua. Btw those guys (owner car wash la of course) are the best.

Dah takde orang, satu kereta 5 orang duk mungulit kereta. Heheh. Apa2 la labu, janji cepat.

In the world where everything is expensive, they still charge only RM8 per wash. That is inclusive of all the vacuuming and taking out all the trashes that we don’t have the energy to do ourself. Well, not energy, more like lazy, hahaha. RM8 tu kira murah la kan kat KL ni? Ke korang ada tempat lagi murah. Sila bagitau ye.

So that's all for now. Happy working! Jangan tension :)

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