Saman AES
In 1 month +++, saya mendapat 3 saman AES. Hebat bukan.
I for one will have to admit I do have quite a number of "samans" for speeding eversince I got my license. But I gladly pay the fines. Tapi kali ni gua dapat 3 AES saman berturut2 beb. 1st and 2nd saman dah settle la via MyEG, ni kali 3rd time...
Pokai la gua!
My 3rd love letter from JPJ :)

"AES is operated by JPJ but that doesn't mean that PDRM won't mount their own speed cameras. So you can still get summonses from both JPJ and PDRM". Oleh yang demikian ikut je la peraturan jalan raya ye adik2.
Saman dari JPJ memang takde diskaun2 bagai ye. RM300 for speed limit. You do the maths.
Surat dari Poslaju
Pastu tadi dapat plak surat chenta dari Pos Malaysia. I purcharsed new handbag from Europe (baru dapat duit kutu katanya) tunggu 3 minggu tak sampai2. Rupanya sangkut. My parcel being held at Kastam KLIA.
"All items above RM500 are detained by Malaysian custom. The most important question now is what is the item. It may or may not be taxable depending on custom officer's classification. In this case you will have to provide the necessary technical infomation/brochure to back up your case."
The thing is, ikut nasib la. Kastam ni pilih/ check secara rawak je. So barang aku la yang kurang bernasib baik itew. 10% tax tu dari harga barang.
Takde time lain ko nak muncul kan. Time aku pokai ni la ko nak sangkut

So cara nak collect:
1. appoint Pos Malaysia as a Customs Agent to clear the package (RM49.50 service fee) - Fair, I think. Otherwise you'll have to drive to the LCCT terminal where the Pos Office/ Kastam office is located.
2. or self declare at KLIA - malas!
3. or appoint a 3rd party agent as a Customs Agent - ?
2. or self declare at KLIA - malas!
3. or appoint a 3rd party agent as a Customs Agent - ?
Yang no. 2 tu macam tak larat je. Dahler pagi semalam I woke up earlier than usual to pick up my grandmother at KLIA, waited for 1++ hours kot sebab flight dia delayed. Ok that's not the point tapi aku penat kot nak gi KLIA lagi. Kalau lah surat tu sampai awal sikit boleh la sekali harung kan.
I dunno la. I just want my bag. Berapa aku kena bayar tax ni wehhhhh.
I is pokai :( Kena mandi bunga ni. Eh.