Masalah astro ni semua penah alami kot.
I had subscribed to Astro for more than 2 years. Takde la lama mana. Selama ni tengok astro kat ruang tamu je tapi since selalu berebut2 channel dgn orang lain, so we decided to have our own dalam bilik.
We subcribe because the pictures is better rather than to use the ariel. Padahal bukannya semua channel aku tengok pun. 103, 104, 105, 107, 411, 412, 413, 701,702, 708, 711, 712,713,714 antara channel yang ditengok la. Lain tu tak perlu pun takpe. Walau macam mana banyak complaint pun, there is still a lot subcribers. Antara perkara2 ni mengenai astro memang buat kesabaranku sedikit tercabar:
Astro @ ruang tamu
After lightning strikes a few months ago, we called astro people and they sent people to repair. Lepas repair dah ok la boleh on balik, tapi sangat sensitive. Even it's not raining it will gave 'Service not available' crap lepas 15 minutes astro tu di on.
Aku malas dah nak call2 balik sebab hal2 camni selalunya my husband yang rajin complaint. Kalau I la call mau i maki je. Sebelum ni apa astro ni repair aku pun tatau. ASTRO ni takde certified repairman kot. Doing crappy work using crappy spare part. Wah suka hati je tuduh.
Astro @ bilik
When its raining or windy you will hear some irritating sound or the screen with the pictures disappeared and keluar screen hitam bertulis “service currently not available”. Pejadah weyyy.
Lagi satu, I was watching Astro petang tadi when suddenly the whole TV went blank and keluar ayat "Invalid smart card bla bla". Check card tu ok je, called Astro and they need to send someone to check on it with RM50 fee, not incl of repair/replacement. Amboi2 ko punya salah ko nak charge aku plak, patutla kaya!

And guess what aku jawab dekat astro:
"fine, pls cancel my account now ". Wah takde la. Tu imaginasi je. Aku terus hang up and lepas tu off astro, lepas seminit on and dia ok balik. Kalau aku panggil orang astro terbang RM50 dah. Tapi I have to on and off astro every 15 minutes sebab the same error msg will appear. Tengoklah setakat mana tahap kesabaranku ini. Mau je aku bakar astro ni kang.
Astro in general
Reruns, reruns and more reruns. Duh. If I want to watch old movies, I don’t have to pay Astro RM130++ to do that. We have TV1,2,3 NTV7 and 8TV for that or lagi baik beli DVDs and CDs. No interruptions and no advertisements. Hati pun senang.
Astro, today we are proud to have the only private TV Channel with no competition tapi ingatlah, anda dibayar untuk memberi mutu perkhidmatan yang bermutu. Semoga ada orang astro baca ni.
-Insan kecewa-