Piya looks like a little-girl version of her daddy. I think they have the same eyes, grin, cheeks, hair and everything. Mulut je besar sikit ikut aku kot, sebab tu cute. Muahahaha. So most of the time we got people telling us how much Piya look like my husband. Sentap mak tauu. Hahaha gurau je.
Mini daddy

So bebaru ni balik rumah MIL, dapat la snap pic my husband masa kecik2. Comel siot laki aku time ni. Aku bajet kalau dia tau dari awal aku masa kecik2 yang sememeh itu, confirm kensel hehe. Tapi apa leh buat, dah terlambat bannggg.
There's another picture masa dia grad tadika, so cute beneath his tiny mortarboard siap pegang scroll bagai. Tapi demi menghormati permintaan husband, takleh la letak.
Budak2 ni muka berubah2 ye tak? Tak kisah la muka ikut mummy ke daddy ke, as long as she is healthy that is all that matters.