Oh I teringin makan ketam masak pedas ni seperti yang di makan di Labuan. Terbaikkk.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ketam masak pedas
Oh I teringin makan ketam masak pedas ni seperti yang di makan di Labuan. Terbaikkk.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Hari ni berjalan ke Taman Kinabalu, Kundasang & Ranau. On our way there, we stopped at Tamparuli, a small town of Tuaran for us to bergambar di Jambatan. Jambatan Tamparuli ni I ingat sebab Marsha (AF) suka nyanyi lagu dia kan. Tamparuli takde mende pun, the only attraction is the hanging bridge la kan.
Antara pic yang dapat di paste sepanjang trip ini. Sorry ye takleh paste banyak2. Adalah dicadangkan untuk view pic Jambatan di sini (credit to tuan punya blog). Ok la Jambatan ni.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Off to Kota Kinabalu
I'm off for a long weekend to Labuan & KK where I'll stuff myself with few activities such as short trip to Brunei and few other places (wah macam banyak je masa), and of course... EAT EAT EAT. Eh apa best makan eh kat KK?

My flight delayed for 1 hour. Cheh. Pic sebagai bahan bukti hehe.
I'll be updating the blog here and there over the weekend, so stay tuned for dispatches from me. Hehe kali ni serious ok I'll update whenever I want, eh, whenever I'm free. And please do share your favorite Labuan or KK hotspots with me! Toce :)